Dr. Suwipa Saen-Oon is a Senior Project Manager in Computational Chemistry at Nostrum Biodiscovery. Her main responsibilities involve R+D+i in drug discovery projects for client based-services as well as academic collaborations. She received her BSc degree in Chemistry at Kasetsart University (Thailand) and completed her PhD in Computational Chemistry at the same university as part of a joint PhD program at University of Vienna (Austria). She has achieved highly experience in the field of computational simulations applied to Biochemistry, Biophysical process and drug discovery over several years as postdoctoral researcher at Emory University (Atlanta), Albert Einstein College of Medicine (NY) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Barcelona).
She has published more than 25 publications in international peer-review journals covering a broad discipline from QM and QM/MM studies of electron transfer process and enzyme catalysis mechanism, molecular simulations in biophysics process to in silico drug discovery application.
She currently holds a Torres Quevedo grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.