Nostrum Biodiscovery is a biotech company working together with several major pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the US and has a wide knowledge of the requirements of pharmaceutical companies working in rational drug design. Nostrum Biodiscovery advantages are its technologies, allowing the saving of costs and the acceleration of the whole process. Secondly, the level of calculation and prediction capacity by computation, which directly impacts research reliability. Lastly, the team experience and the research excellence which has been strongly demonstrated by the internationally recognized institutions that support this project for years now.
We are seeking a highly motivated degree or master student in Physics, Maths, Bioinformatics or related fields. The student will integrate new algorithms in PELE to its main Monte Carlo simulation protocol and do some subsequent testing-enhancement cycles. The project will involve software development in C++, analysis of the results, reading literature/references and discussing ideas with other R&D engineers at Nostrum Biodiscovery.
All applications must include:
All applications must be addressed to Martí Municoy.