We license our software to third parties. Through our software we give access to powerful workflows that will easily bring valuable insights to your projects.
Our Protein Energy Landscape Exploration (PELE, Borrelly et al. 2005 J. Chem. Theo. Comput. 1(6), 1304-1311) tool combines protein structure prediction algorithms and Metropolis Monte Carlo techniques to efficiently tackle tasks like predicting binding sites, docking pose refinement and ranking, protein surface exploration to look for binding sites or modelling exit path of a ligand. One of the main characteristics of PELE is its ability to explore the degrees of freedom of both ligands and proteins while keeping a low computational cost.
pyDock is a protein-protein docking algorithm (Cheng et al. 2007 Proteins 68, 503-515) that uses electrostatics, desolvation energy and a limited van der Waals contribution to score rigid-body docking poses (pyDockSER). pyDock participates in CAPRI (Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions) under the name of “Fernandez-Recio”. You can evaluate its performance among the rest of participants visiting the summary provided by Yang Shen from Vadja Team.
In order to perform most of rational small molecule design tasks Nostrum Suite supports third party software including one of the most highly regarded platforms in the industry, the Schrödinger suite of programs. Moreover, Nostrum Suite counts with other non-proprietary software programs where we have extensive expertise such as AMBER20, GROMACS, AutoDock, rDock or Chemical Checker to complete its portfolio of technologies.
Nostrum Suite® is offered through 2 different license models:
We design and implement automated workflows to simplify complex tasks. We can implement new applications from scratch or customize our current solutions to tackle specific requirements. We can even design custom graphical interfaces to easily prepare input, interact with simulations or analyze their results.
This flow is an example of what our automated workflows can accomplish. It can take 1D/2D information of a protein and a ligand, predict the protein structure, dock the ligand to a protein cavity and extract and visualize the most relevant binding modes.
Our infrastructure comprises two different environments:
Our Cloud has been designed following state-of-the-art HPC principles to ensure that resources are properly managed. Thus, we have access to thousands of CPU cores and tens of GPU cards to process more than 50K CPU core hours every day. Along with the infrastructure, our software is also optimized; using the most advanced libraries and with compilations at the microarchitecture level we guarantee that it will run as fast as possible.
We offer private instances of our Cloud infrastructure to everyone. It comes ready to run the main molecular modelling and artificial intelligence software and also supports big computational workloads that require high scalability. We also include the software preinstalled, guaranteeing that it will run efficiently. Common open source software like GROMACS, rDock, AutoDock, etc.
Nostrum’s Desktop App is built on top of Horus, an innovative multi-platform GUI which empowers scientists in areas such as molecular modelling.
Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, it can serve as a local application or as a centralized server for collaborative teamwork.
Its autonomous blocks enable seamless linking, facilitating customizable and distributable workflows via an accessible API, ushering in a new era of efficiency and adaptability in scientific endeavors.