XNA-hub Platform

At Nostrum Biodiscovery, in the Nucleic Acid Department headed by Dr. Vito Genna, innovative research and development initiatives are underway.

This ensures greater precision in targeting specific biological pathways or molecules, ultimately improving the efficacy and safety profile of these therapeutic interventions. A new plug-in of XNA-hub is coming.

More Information CSIC

More Information IRB


GUI Nostrum-Suite

The soon release of Nostrum Suite (GUI platform) will streamline the process of molecular modeling, allowing researchers and scientists to visualize and analyze molecular structures more effectively.
If you have any further questions or need assistance with molecular modeling tools, feel free to ask. It’s almost time for Nostrum Suite!


New Clients

In Q1 of 2024, Nostrum Biodiscovery is growing and acquiring new customers worldwide.

Nostrum Biodiscovery is growing in Asia, and Europe and entering new areas that will be significant for the biodiscovery industry.

Take a look at it directly here:

Interview: Modesto Orozco

(N) What is your role at Nostrum Biodiscovery?

(M) I am technically the President and this means a kind of supervision. I believe that my fundamental role is, as Donald Trump said, to be a cheerleader; encourage people, increase confidence, and convince them that making mistakes is part of the job.
It is trying to maintain scientific stress… Full Interview Here


MWC 2024

We express our gratitude for the invaluable relationships obtained at #MWC24 and 4YFN 2024 thanks to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

These opportunities have had a significant impact on the way we perceive the ever-changing world of business and technology.