Our President and co-founder Modesto Orozco awarded an ICREA Academia grant

We are excited to share that our president and co-founder, Modesto Orozco, has been awarded an ICREA Academia distinction for the 2024 call. These grants, awarded by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), aim to promote research talent in Catalan universities.

Modesto Orozco’s research activity is focused on the theoretical study of biological systems and is reflected in close to 500 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals of the highest impact. His publications have collected more than 45000 citations with an h-index of 102, the highest for a computational chemist in Spain.
Among other awards, in 1997 he got the “Diaz de Santos” National Award for young scientist, the Distinción Investigadora de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Annual award of Science of the Catalan Science Ministry) in 2000, the FEBS Anniversary Prize of the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie in 2001, the Fundación Marcelino Botín fellowship (2007), the Brucker award for research in biophysics (2010), as well as the ICREA Academy award for excellence in research and the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council.
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